Friday, August 20, 2004

I just got home from Irishfest in Milwaukee. I am content. Got there at 3:30PM so I could get in free at 4:00. Good thing too because I spent a bit of money. Not friviously, of course. I got all "good stuff." Gaelic Storm has a new CD. So I bought that for Dick. And there was a nice t-shirt with Michael Collins that had The Big Fella printed on it, which is great for Jim.

I wanted to go because a couple of my friends were there. Maureen Smith from Chicago, who I met a couple of years ago at the Celtic Women Conference. We have communicated since then by email. We met at the booth of Cindy Mayti who is a wonderful artist. I took a mini course from her several years ago and have a print of hers in my livingroom. I got pictures of both of them. Cindy has great tshirts and I bought one for myself. I picked lavender.

Then I listened to Tommy Makem. Yes. Tommy is still singing at Irishfest and is still bringing down the house. He sang O Donnell Abu,acapella, accompanied only by the bodhran which is always spectacular. Of course we ALL sang Waltzes with Bears with him.

Better get the damages recorded while I still remember.

Someone asked me what color my eyes were. It made me remember when I was a kid. Nora and I used to fight terribly. I guess most sisters do. She used to tease me and say that I had army green eyes and dishwater blond hair. I would be furious.


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