Wednesday, July 21, 2004

We have three animals. I believe that I have conveyed that information, even to those who do not know me very well. All our critters came from the Humane Society.

We have had Chelsea, the dog, for almost 7 years now. Prior to her, I had a little terrior mix named Zero. He was my love. When Bart and I moved from California to Minnesota and then from Minnesota to Wisconsin, he was there with us and he trusted and comforted me through all the bad times.

When he died, we kind of decided not to get another dog because they are a lot of work and we like to travel and all. And after all we did have cats. I lasted for two years. then one day, I told Dick that I simply HAD to have a doggy.

So we started going to the Humane Society to find a proper dog for us. Most of the dogs that are turned in to the Humane Society are big gangly eager doggies and much more than I could handle since they are also not usually well trained. So we went back for at least four weeks. The forth week, Dick said that we had better find a small one soon or he was going to take one of these because they were starting to recognize him and he was feeling bad leaving them there.

Then low and behold, here was this little white fluff of a thing and she was available, so we took her. I remember bringing her home and telling Dick that Jim was going to say that she was a little rat. He did too. She is actually a medium sized dog in the 17 to 18 pound range. We do just fine and are all so glad to have her. Now I have someone to "walk me" every day.

Have a nice Thursday.


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