Thursday, July 22, 2004

Next week the Democrats are having their convention. Big Woo! Conventions used to be exciting. You never knew, until the end, who the candidates were going to be. There was lots of hype and lots of excitement and lots of speeches and platforms were discussed. Now - it is a done deal but we have to put up with speeches that just will rubber stamp the already decided issues. I guess the major networks won't be showing it all day and evening like they used to. They would lose too much of their audience to cable.

I am disgusted with the whole thing. Then we will have three months until the election.

Oliver Goldsmith had the following verse in his poem - Three Jolly Pigeons

Politicians they tell us each day,
Of their good sense and propiety.
But puff as these blowhards they may
They cannot disguise their venality,
Swaggards and braggards they all,
Sing songs of their courage and vision,
Crow loudly as ever they will,
They're not heard at the Three Jolly Pigeons.

To right to roddle to rol.

I lifted a pint or two of cider at the bar in County Athlone Ireland called the Three Jolly Pigeons that Goldsmith refers to in his poem. The barkeep Seamus recited the poem for us. I think his portrait of the "politician" is accurate.

I had gotten a card for a free turkey last winter. The card expires in September, so I decided to get it now. We are going to have turkey dinner on Saturday. Aren't you jealous? If you want to, you can all come over for dinner. I am also going to fix a fresh blueberry cake.



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