Thursday, June 10, 2004

I HOPE someone missed me yesterday. I was just so busy. Barbara, my daugher in law, and I went to a quilt class all day. We learned and put together squares for a pattern called Spinning Water Wheel.
We brought a background fabric and five different colors of batik with us. Then all the attendees did a fabric exchange and we ended up having 20 DIFFERENT fabrics for our wheels. Wow.

I got eight completed and Barbara got nine completed. We have the "makings" of 20 and the quilt our teacher Claudine showed uses 18 so we can have two to play with if we aren't happy with the colors. Actually they all LOOK just beautiful but may not all blend together. I had found a really nice black background fabric at Evans in Sheboygan Falls (They do have really nice quality fabrics.) It has tiny dots of all different colors all over it and almost any batik has a dot color in the background. I felt really good because SEVERAL people asked where I got it so they liked it.

Benjamin Franklin said "There was never a good war or a bad peace."

Sounds good to me.


Want to buy some raffle tickets. I have two sets. One for Quilt Guild for some lovely quilts and other things made out of blocks and another for the raffle for Blessed Trinity's Celtic Faire. Lots of great prizes.


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