Monday, May 03, 2004

What a day. I had lunch with nine of the gals that I graduated from high school with. Such a wonderful group of women and I am so glad we get together off and on. We try to especially if someone is "home for the summer" as some travel to warmer climates in winter. Today, Kathy Kinney (who left town in the 6th grade) joined us. We didn't recognize each other of course but quickly reacquainted. Kathy has a picture she is going to send me of her and me dressed up in white as "angels" who led the first communicants up for the sacrament when we were probably about four years old. I think I was chosen because of my cousin Colleen and she because of her brother who were receiving that year. Our friend Carol Van Dixhorn Kaat, has retired since our reunion last summer. She has had her knee operated on and she looks WONDERFUL. It is good for the heart to see people relaxed and healthy.

Randy, Kenny and I walked the fields in which we will be hunting turkeys. Wednesday morning, I will be out there before 5:00AM so that we are in place before the turkeys wake up. We saw two today over in a green patch. I am really excited. Last year I saw one - just before dawn. I couldn't see what it was and in this spring season, one has to know that it is a Tom or a Jake. Don't I sound like I am really good at this? A Tom is an adult male and a Jake is a "teenager". They have to have a beard anyway.

Shopping tomorrow. That is my only planned event for tomorrow so after today, it will be a vacation.

Have a great day.



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