Monday, April 19, 2004

Boy, did we ever get a wind storm last night and this morning. I guess we've had worse but it was pretty bad. The temperatures are in the mid to high 50s which I don't mind. Wouldn't hurt to be a little warmer though.

I guess it is in the 80s in Boston. They were running the Boston Marathon today in that heat. I wonder how many made it through this year. Several years ago, my brother George ran the Boston Marathon. He came in the upper 1/3 of the finishers. Pretty impressive for a guy in his late thirties who had just started running a couple of years earlier. His wife, Betsy, tells the story of the first marathon he ran. I think it was in Texas but would not swear to that. She was waiting at the finish line. As she waited, a man ran across the finish line, collapsed and died on the spot. Eventually, George came through and she said he looked like he was going to die too. Obviously, he didn't and he went on to run others. He said he learned from that experience. One thing he said, I have always remembered. If you are in a physically stressful event or situation, grab water whenever you can. If you wait until you are thirsty, it will be too late. Your brain just doesn't assimilate the thirsty need soon enough. Just like it takes about 15 minutes for your brain to know that you are full after eating.

Have a great day.


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