Friday, December 05, 2003

The trip was really a pleasure. Peoria does the lights up royally. They have an enchanted forest which is charming with light sculptures that move and wave and everything. We went there after going to a play and dinner and shopping at a craft show. Then came the big finale. We drove up the hill above the town to a park in which they had all the floats from their big Saturday after Thanksgiving parade on display. These floats are spectacular. They have, as an example, a train that has a locomotive, two cars, one carrying a pine tree and a caboose. As you drive through this park, they have light displays with deer jumping over the road and further on, skiers who you swear are going to crash right in to the bus. The town also has a Nativity display put on by the KCs. This town only has about 27,000 people in it and this thing runs from Thanksgiving weekend to January 2nd and they start assembling the floats right after Halloween. The whole town must be involved because the event is run entirely by volunteers.

I am in the mood now. Made fudge and put up one of the Nativity scenes.

Summarized from the Koran

Every child has a right to feel that God created the world JUST for him.


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