Saturday, December 06, 2003

Chelsea got a bath today. She was not happy about it but she is a brilliant white, sweet smelling puppy now. She was getting pretty dingy under her chin especially.

I made the Buckeyes today. Once, several years ago, I told Dick that I wasn't going to make Buckeyes because they are so putsy. You have to mix all those pounds of butter, peanut butter, confectioners sugar and vanilla until it is smooth. This is a BIG mixing bowl. Then you have to roll it all in to balls and chill for 4 hours. This is about 160 peanut butter balls - a LOT of balls. Then after they chill, you have to dip them all in melted chocolate chips and paraffin and chill them again. They are called Buckeyes because when you dip them, you poke a toothpick in and dip them in leaving an unchocolate covered "eye". These taste much like peanut butter cups but even better. You have to use REAL Butter for sure.

Anyway, Dick told Jim that I wasn't going to make them and he said in great distress. "But why do we even have Christmas then. We wait all year and now you tell me we won't have Buckeyes this Christmas."

Needless to say, I made them and never have suggested not making them again. I always share with the other kids, which isn't easy because Dick and Jim think they are all for them.

Have a nice Sunday


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