Monday, July 20, 2020

They say it was cooler today and the thermometer did say the same thing but it was not enough to make us feel comfortable.   Thank the Lord for air conditioning.

I got a lot of book work and financial things settled today.   One would think that I should not have much of that anymore but things keep creeping up on me.     Oh well.   I need something to do during the day:)

Worked on some poetry and quilting projects.

Talked to a friend for some time.    She is getting our newsletter ready  for CWI and had asked me for some input.    I am glad to say that I was able to be of help to her.    I have been in her position before and needed input and didn't get it.     Love people who are part of a group who really care.

Another quiet day tomorrow.   Kerry will come to clean but the rest of the day is free.

Dia Dhuit

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