Friday, July 24, 2020

It was warmer again today but is supposed to be a bit cooler for the next three to four days.     Not  that it makes much difference when the "Low" is 93 or 94 with a heat index:)    As I say - Hot is Hot.

Again, I kept reasonably busy, though with just me and Vita this is not a lot.     She takes me for regular walks, so I am getting my exercise.

I fixed my dishwasher today and am very proud.    The screws that attach it to the cabinet had worked their way loose, so I had to get new screws that were just a smidge wider and just a smidge longer and I screwed them in and it its fine.     When someone who knows more than me comes I will have them check it.

Tomorrow, another quiet day, though I will go to Mass in the evening.   Which always makes me feel fulfilled.

Dia Dhuit

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