Tuesday, April 21, 2020

A day spent at home all day except for some walks with my Vita.   It was a beautiful day, my thermometer says that it is 80 degrees out there.    Very little wind and a comfortable wind.   We are supposed to get rain tonight.   I hope we do.   Otherwise, I am going to have to water my yard, as Dan put stuff on it that needs to be watered.  So I am praying for rain:)

I did some cleaning today.    It has taken me a week or more to do what Kerry does in one day.   I can only vacuum one room at a time.   In case your were wondering.     I am really spoiled.    Dick did that to me.    Wasn't he nice?

Tomorrow will be another quiet day.    I try to "schedule" things to do before I go to bed and early in the morning and it does help.   

Hope you are all well.    Let me know how you are doing.    I love you all.
Dia Dhuit


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