Tuesday, November 01, 2016

It was a lovely day in the low 80s and not at all humid.  I was home until this evening.

My cleaning lady, Leah, came this morning so I have a nice clean home.   Always good and she is really nice.

This evening I went to the writer's club.   Bart came and helped me put the poems for an anthology that our group is doing onto a zip drive.    I have a short story also to be included but there aren't really poets in our group and they thought that perhaps a poem between each story for a bit of a break might be nice, so I gave them 5.  I thought that they all had to be about owls as our group is called  O.W.L S  (Oklahoma Writers Literary and Storytellers).    So I handed over 5 owl poems.   If they want more if we have more spacers needed, I will write about something else as I am about owled out:)

Bible Study tomorrow.

Dia Dhuit

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