Thursday, June 16, 2016

Another HOT muggy day here.  The heat index well over 100 degrees.  Thank heavens it does drop into the 70s during the night.  Nicky and I take a nice walk in the early morning.   I am so stiff with the mugginess that I need that walk to loosen my joints.   Followed with a hot shower, I feel good the rest of the day.

I baked scones early this morning before the heat set in.   Then the first advertised Celtic Club meeting drew NO takers.    I was able to share Barm Brac and scones with some bridge players and others in the facility.   One of the bridge players is in my Bible Study.    Monica, my liaison at the center, wants to try again next month.    OK.  But I may just have to start collecting emails and numbers of Celtic People and send personal initiations which is how I started the Sheboygan County Branch way back when.

Anyway.  The first try, second if you count the Reading of the Proclamation, third strike am I out?

Dia Dhuit


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