Friday, January 29, 2016

I am online in my very own home!!!!

I am listening to the Clancy Brothers on Youtube as I wind down for the night.   Life is good.

A lot is done and there seems to be twice as much to accomplish before we are settled, but Nicky Nicki andMand I are feeling fine because we can sleep in our very own bed tonight.   He seems happier now that we are settled in.  I think I told you that I did not wash sheets before leaving so that things would seem more normal to him.   He actually got along quite well at Bart and Barb's house and made reasonable friendships with their two cats and two dogs.

I now have computers, gas, water, electric and mail.  The only left service is TV which will come on Friday.  Tomorrow, I plan on just unpacking and arranging except for grocery shopping and stopping at Bart's to see how he is doing and picking  up my venison which I left in his freezer.  Bart and Barb have been so good to me.   Barb is working, of course, so is overworked just for that.  Bart has had to really push himself an has done it for me.   I am so proud of him.

Bad news, my nephew's home (Todd Hiner) burned up yesterday.    Praise, God, nobody was hurt but it is a total loss.   Pray for my Todd and those involved.

Until tomorrow.  

Love you all

Dia dhuit


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