Friday, April 03, 2015

This morning it was pleasant

That sure has change.   I wore a spring coat to church this afternoon and when we stepped out after the service, I darned near froze.   I was going to get gas but decided it was too cold.   So I filled the tank on the way to pistol league instead when I was dressed for it.

Nicky and I had an exciting day.    We went to Chris, the dog sitter's home, so that Nicky and she could meet.    I was afraid that he would be barky and snappy, but he surprised me.   The first thing he did was to get really interested in the back yard- lots of good doggy smells there.   He was not running up to her or Rick when he came down.   But he really did not do any serious barking or growling and he played nice with a dog that was being pet sat at the time.   SO I am VERY happy.   I know how happy Zero was with them when we were gone and now that I know that Nicky can be pleasant around others in their world,  all will be good.

Good Friday today so the choir sang for the Good Friday services at 1PM.   We warmed up at 12:30 and sang until almost 2PM so my voice is well used today.  Then this evening I DID go to shoot.    I will be gone the weekend of April 24th and Mother's day weekend and don't want to have to do more than three targets a night to catch up.     Had good times and visits with the guys.   I do enjoy shooting and the league.

Tomorrow night the choir will sing again,   I will not go to mass on Sunday then.   Sunday I am looking forward to dinner with Mom and Jeff and Kathy.   Jeff checked and they do have ham on Easter at Meadow View.    I have made up a little basket for Mom.

I am going to make hot cross buns too so if anybody wants some let me know.

Dia Dhuit


Got the following from a friend today.

Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy.

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