Monday, November 24, 2014

Snow, Snow.    It seems to have let up some but they say it will continue through the night.

I was very busy today.   My Roxie did not wake me up this morning.   She always comes in by 5:30AM or so.   Since her appetite has been so poor and I know she is not drinking fluids because the litter box tells that story.   So I called the Vet at 7AM and was able to get in at 8AM as there was a cancellation.  Dr. Connors was not in so one of the other doctors saw her.  She was a real pistol.   She growled and hissed like a trooper.   Her blood test showed that her kidney functions are OK but her thyroid is way down, which is probably causing her symptoms.   He gave her a med to improve her appetite and will have Dr. Connors call me tomorrow.  

So I took her home and then went to Blessed Trinity and sat in on the end of Bible Study after getting the hosts for my people at Meadow View.  We had a full crowd at Bible Study. 

Mom was fine.   She is achy.  Arthritis.   It was reassuring to her, I could tell,  when I told her that my joints are sore too and that it is this drastic change in weather that is aggravating the pain.

Home again, I worked on some desk things, then drove to Aurora Plymouth for my appointment with Dr. Wiegand, my chiropractor.  She worked on my neck and shoulders.   My ribs are all better.   Now my head is throbbing but I figure it is because of the work she did.   I am going to bed soon and will let rest heal me.

I don't have to go anywhere tomorrow.   The roads will be slippery as heck so I am grateful.   I have a LOT to do.

Bart said he'd like me to come after Barb's surgery.   The surgery is on the 3rd and I will bet there the following Monday and stay two weeks.   I'll be back for Christmas but there when they need me.

So Bed IS looking pretty good.  Here I go.

Dia Dhuit


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