Friday, October 17, 2014


I gave myself a very easy day today. 

I worked on my wall hanging for the Members art show at Plymouth Arts.    I washed three loads of wash and go them all put away.    I cleaned the kitchen and baked some Decadent Pumpkin cupcakes.   I will frost them in the morning and have them for my guests, Jana Hertz and her friend tomorrow night and Sunday.

I am so excited about having people in the house.   Roxie does her best but I have not, as Dick did, figured out how to talk to her in cat.  So we do not have much to talk about.

She is doing pretty well, but she is not eating worth a darn.  I well continue to do what her doctor has said until she is no longer comfortable or seems in pain.  She is a very Needy kitty,  but that is OK with me.

To tomorrow evening my friend, Jana Hertz and her companion will be here in the evening and stay until Monday morning.  I am so looking forward to that.  People in the house.  Roxie and I will enjoy that.

Please keep Jacquie and my "ex" relatives in your prayers.   Somehow they are never really EX.   For example my Vikki and my Todd are so dear to my heart.

Until tomorrow

Dia dhuit


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