Wednesday, August 13, 2014

What a day.

I started off bringing my Roxie to the Vet for a blood test.   We are adjusting her meds down for a liver problem but her kidney levels are rising way too much.   Dr. Conners did an intravenous treatment for her which should be done each week to flush the kidneys.    We are trying to figure out how to do this.  She is not a happy girl and was growling and hissing during the treatment.  Dr. Conners said that she had to reassure the technician that they did not have to worry about her when they drew blood as she was hissing at them.  Poor Baby.

Then I came home and did a few things before joining my fellow high school graduates for our quarterly lunch.   We met at Chissies this time.  Good for me as it is close.   The food is always good but the service was a bit iffy.  Had some nice visits with my friends.   We are a very close class.

Home again, I had several calls to make and several email connections to catch me up with the several groups that I belong to.

Busy Busy.

I had sent cards to Leslie for her anniversary and birthday, but called tonight, a day late, to actually talk to her.  They are doing so well.    I like all my kids to know how much I love them.

Love the latest YouTube of our little Marcus who is growing like a weed.

So here we are at the end of the day.  Tomorrow is much quieter.   I will get caught up and go to Mass in the evening for the Feast of the Assumption.  Friday will start a whirlwind weekend, starting with a Cornish Pasty dinner and a Brass Concert.   I am so excited.

Dia Dhuit


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