Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Quite a day.  Roxie tried to wake me up at 5AM again.   But it did not work.  I woke up around 6 and went in to feed her and turn on my coffee.  

The morning was quiet.  I worked on various projects until it was time to leave to meet Jeff and John Wenig at the funeral home.   We set up a trust for Mom for her funeral.   I told Mom yesterday that I was going to the Funeral home and she asked me who's funeral.   I started laughing and  told her it was hers.   She laughed too.   We are setting up a trust for her funeral so that no matter what , she will have the funeral she wants.   Hopefully, it will not be soon.   I know that she does not necessarily feel that way.  I know that she is tired.

Then I went to the bank and the grocery store and home.

Tomorrow I will be home all day.   I intend to write a bit and just get my strength up for the next few days with the MRI and then the followup next Tuesday with Dr. Fehrman.  It is just that the arm aches most of the time.  If it can't be fixed, I need to know so that I can come to grips with it.

Jeff brought me three tomato plants so I will plant them in the front tomorrow.   I mixed in some compost and manure, so I hope they will do better this year.

Everything looks good actually.   After all the winter, it is good to finally see life.

Dia Dhuit


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