Friday, May 30, 2014

I seem to have neglected the blog.

This has been a strange and busy week.  

I think I mentioned that I was going on a day trip to the Marian Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help not too far from Green Bay near Champion.    Our Lady appeared to a young Belgian girl name Adele Brise in 1859.     Just recently the sighting with the work of Bishop David Ricken, was declared worthy of belief by the Catholic peoples.    During the Pestigo fire, the 6 acres that are the site of the shrine, were saved from burning by the believers marching around the site with a statue of Our Lady.   Not a soul within the area was hurt and they say the grass and trees were emerald green amid the blackened ground that surrounded it.    I have been wanting to go to the shrine and a friend who is a St. Vincent volunteer invited me to come on their tour.   Bishop Hyink was on the tour also.   It was a wonderful day.

Wednesday I had a doctor appointment with Dr. Leben.   My shoulder and arm are getting much worse.   She has concluded that the shots are not providing long enough relief, so is referring me to a surgeon, Dr. Fehrman.  He was Dick's doctor.   I know that my range of motion is diminishing and that I am hurting more and having trouble sleeping.   I had an x ray done on Wednesday and will have an MRI on the 5th then I will see Dr. Fehrman on the 10th to see what can be done.

Yesterday was all a flutter as we closed on Mom's home then.    It is such a relief that it went smoothly and quickly.    I am sure Mom has mixed feelings but I know that she is very happy that the neighbors bought it.   They stopped to see her last week and she told them that if they had any questions about anything they should not hesitate to come and ask her.  But not having to think about maintaining or having us maintain the house will be a relief to her.

Today, I had lunch with the bank ladies and then passed out several posters for the Bloomsday event.
Anybody want to spend an hour reading on June 16th.

So that is all for now.   I have started walking of an evening.   It really does not seem proper without a doggie, but I am doing it anyway.

Dia Dhuit


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