Monday, May 12, 2014


Late again.  

I am so tired.    Today was a usual Monday after the busy wonderful exhausting trip to NYC.  I fully intended to enclose some pictures, but blogger is not wanting to send them and I am to tired to figure out why.

Tomorrow I will have more time.    Today, I went to Bible Study,  Lunch at the Point with my 1958 HS classmates, drove to see Mom and tonight practiced for the weekend 's show Return to Broadway at the Plymouth Arts Center.   Tickets can be purchased at the door or let me know.   The shows start at 7:30PM both Friday and Saturday.  (Bobbie I have yours and Bill's here.   We can talk about you getting them.) 

Practice is tough, especially tonight.   But it always seems to work out.

A bit more about NY.   On Thursday, Vikki and I went to Battery Park and took the ferry to "the Lady in the Bay" and to Ellis Island.    On Ellis Island, I took pictures of the names, Michael J. Deeley and Ernest Kunert that are inscribed on the wall in the garden.  Dick and I sent money for the fundraiser that Lee Iacoca ran to restore Ellis Island and got the names on the wall.   We also have certificates about it.

I will send pictures an more detail tomorrow.   We, Vikki, Sara and I, can hardly wait for the Tony Awards to see how the play the Cripple of Inishman does.   We saw it on Friday Night.  Danial Radcliffe is the star and it was so good.   A really well done dark Irish comedy.  I was so glad that the girls got it.  Not everybody "gets" that type of play.

So Now to bed to bed.   It rained and thundered part of the morning and really bad last night.   But the rain is supposed to stay south tonight.   At least my tulips and daffodils are starting to bloom.

Dia Dhuit


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