Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Despite the fact that it was cold today,   in the 20s, may have gone up to the 40s,  the sun it out and spirits are rising all over the place.

I decided to go to the Exchange Bank for coffee and a scone before going grocery shopping this morning.   Sometimes it is really good to just get out of the house and eat around people.  Real people.  I brought a notebook and did a bit of writing.   Very pleasant. 

Then I did my grocery shopping.  Didn't need too much but cat food and a bit of fresh fruit later, I left the store.   I swung by Walgreens because I had a $10 coupon that had to be used by Friday.   I had to spend at least $30, but that was not hard.    An ink cartridge and some rechargable batters and I was about there.

Home again, I put groceries away and started lunch.   I got out a pound of hamburger.  I made two burgers, one for today and one for Saturday and browned the rest for a tostado for tomorrow's lunch and whatever.   I will get at least two meals out of the browned meat.   I also roasted some sweet potato wedges.    It was good.

I worked on the book this afternoon and do feel that I got quite a bit done.   I also did some more mending on the Cathedral Window Quilt that Mom made.   I want to get it done so that I can give it to Donna and Randy.   They have a place for it and three girls to claim it eventually.

I liked today.    Tomorrow I have a mammogram.  EWWWW!  But I get rid of it early in the morning so I will most of the day to recover. 

Hope your tomorrow is starting out better than that.

Dia Dhuit


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