Tuesday, March 25, 2014


What a day.  Started off easy.   I went to the Rediscover Catholicism discussion group that I told you about.  We only meet every two weeks so it is not hard but seems to be coming up awfully fast.   There are two more meetings.   It is really interesting, we have such a diverse group of Catholic,   some of them know exactly what to do to fix the problems:)   Would that it was as simple as talking about it.

I then drove into Sheboygan and picked up my taxes.   For the first year, I have to pay.  This was a test year and I am not surprised but it is still a disappointment.   I kind of earmarked last years refund for such a possibility but I really didn't want to spend it on that- again:)   (I am doing a smiley face, aren't I)

Home the rest of the day, I made chicken for lunch and spent a good chunk of the day shredding and rearranging so that I have a place for Mom's banking and important documents.   I cleared off a shelf in the office closet.  

I also went through some books to donate.   It is really hard for me to give any up.  But really, I can't see moving ALL of them in the future.

Talked to Bart and Jeff today.   Bart sounded pretty good.  And Jeff and I discussed some of Mom's appointments.   I have received a call from Aurora confirming an appointment for Mother which we thought was cancelled.    I pushed the button to have them call later, and will cancel it then.   Wanted to be sure as Jeff handles those appointments.  Don't know why they are calling me.  Probably still from when I was taking her to her appointments.

Anyway, I have decided that I am going to the Exchange Bank tomorrow morning at 8:30PM for coffee and something and then will stop at the post office and do the grocery shopping.   I can then be home the whole day and it is going to be a writing day.

It was cold but sunny today.   Snow fell last night that left the roads covered in ice this morning, but it was all dried up by noon.   Supposed to hit 60 on Sunday.   

Dia Dhuit


John Wayne said:  "Life is hard:   it's harder if you are stupid."

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