Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Busy Day

I know, I know, they all are.   But this was a really weird one.

Started off pretty good.    I got the trash out, checked the fridge and it had seemed to be working so I went to St John's for our Rediscovering Catholicism discussion.   Nice a group of people, the clergy should put us in charge.

I had therapy right after that and Jaren is really happy because I could tell him and now tell you that my right arm, neck and shoulder are doing very well.   So he told me to continue and let him know in a couple of weeks how it is doing then.

Then grocery shopping.  By then I was really tired, so I came home and opened up the fridge.  It was actually sending warm air out.   So I called Curt from the appliance repair and he came right over.   This time he was able to tell that the fuse was broken, so he replaced it with a temporary one, (he has to order the right one, but this one will work til he gets it).   He told me not to expect ice for a while, but lo and behold the first cubes dropped out at about 3PM.  I was so excited that I called to tell him the good news.  I cleaned the refrigerator and dumped anything that I had any thought might have suffered from the lack of cold.

I had a nurse from United Health Care for a free annual checkup they offer.   She was very pleasant.   Roxie liked her too.   I know she likes it when  we get visitors.

So.  A busy day. 
Tomorrow I have absolutely nothing scheduled but will go to visit Mom as I was not able to go on Monday.   She likes it if I keep tabs on her bills and so on.

She had a good day today too. Jeff watched the Quiet Man with her.

So.  Bless you all.   My foot is definitely improving.   As it has to heal all the way through the foot, I expect it will be a bit before I can call it healed.

Dia Dhuit


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