Monday, December 16, 2013


The morning was pretty typical.    9:30AM, Bible Study and then a nice time with Mother.   The VNA Nurse was there when I arrived, so I took care of the bills which were really none, just some filing and a check for me for the cheese that she bought for Christmas presents. 

Next I came back to Plymouth and went to my fellow poet and member of the Cream City Writer's Club for a pot luck and Christmas party.    We had a great time.   A daughter of one of our poets, named Hope, who often comes to the meeting, but has never written anything before had a poem about a cotton candy heaven that was charming.  We even sang carols.    AND had a fabulous meal.

I did my first transcribing of the minutes of condo meeting today.   I will review tomorrow, make a couple of calls to find out a couple of things that I didn't get down and then send them to the board for review.   I would like to get them to the members before I go to Oklahoma.

Roxie has been doing a quick race around the house once or twice a day.   She sounds like a herd of elephants and I am so glad.   The exercise, little as it is, is good for her.

Dia Dhuit


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