Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Roxie is upset.  Probably because this is not the best evening for me.   Tomorrow it will be a year since my sweet heart went to heaven.

I am so glad that he is there and no longer in pain or feeling bad, but I miss him so much.   Why do anniversaries bring up these feelings?   It is just another day.  I am not handling it well, I fear.   But I keep remembering my Bret and our mantra  "Don't worry, Mom.   Everything will be OK.   It will be all right, Don't worry. "

It isn't working right this minute but I know it will be OK eventually.

Jeff and Kathy stopped by on their way to Mom's house.  Jeff tried to fix my storm window but he did not have the proper tool either.  I went to the new Ace Hardware in Sheboygan Falls and they got it repaired and they didn't even charge me.   When I got home I called my neighbor's, the Hurries. and Peggy sent Bob over to put it in for me.   So I am insulated from the cold.

People are really good to me.  It is really hard for me to ask for help.  But I am learning.   Several years ago, my doctor, Dr. Murthy, told me to ask for help if I needed it.  I am trying very hard but I am a stubborn person and like my Mother keep thinking "Mind over Matter."   Most of the time it works.

Tomorrow I am home all day and will try to get my head together.   

I think I sent all of you my new Christmas Poem called Nollaig Shona.   If I didn't let me know and I will send it to you special.

Here is an old poem that is not exactly Christmas but kind of fit.


by Mary Kunert

Did He spin in circles
His arms outstretched
His face towards the sky
A smile on his lips
Mama, Mama
Look at Me?

Did He bring home a puppy
A kitten or a toad
And say in a breathless voice
A smile on His lips
Mama, Mama
Can I keep him?

Did she tuck Him in
Kiss His cheek
Inhale the sweet moist smell
Of the Boy Child's hair
Jesus, Jesus
I love you?

Pray for me please and remember Jacquie, my sister in law too.

Dia Dhuit


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