Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Well, it has been a full day.    I had to be up rather early as the Board meeting for the condos was this morning at 8AM.   We usually meet in the afternoons but this month, that did not work.

It was a productive meeting.  The Membership budget meeting is December 14 and we will not have another board meeting until February.   The winters are much quieter for board problems.

I spent the day transcribing the minutes of the board meeting, finishing doing the priming of the areas that Gary fixed for me and researching for some information for CWI.

This evening I drove to West Bend for the funeral of a my friend Kathy's husband.   I told you that I was going to do that.   It was quite a funeral.   Lots of people, lots of food, a bar.   Her family is very friendly and nice.    I am glad I could go to be there for her.  The line took so long that I started talking to my companions.   The young man walking next to me started to hit on me.    Wow, that was quite exciting for me.   Been a long time.

Dia Dhuit


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