Monday, October 28, 2013


It was COLD this morning.    Bed felt really good, but I got up at about 7:30AM so that I could be ready to leave for bible study.    I also stopped by the city drop off with a couple of bags of weeds and tomato plants that I had cleaned out of my gardens.   It was a busy place this morning. Guess lots of other people got busy this weekend.

We had a pretty full group at bible study.    Please keep praying for Helen's husband.   He is getting antibiotics four times a day but at least is out of intensive care and Helen said that the doctor told her that things are looking good.  We are still at the beginning of ACTS and discussed the part that tells of the very early days when everybody was pooling their resources and taking care of everybody from the pool with kindness and the love of Jesus.    As we discussed, even then it only worked for a while.   Eventually human nature seems to always goof up the very best of intentions.   Somebody feels that they are not getting their share, or that they are working and someone else is just sitting around or somebody wants to be in charge.   The glow of good intentions fades and somehow it just doesn't work.   We remember times in our life when all seemed perfectly balance, the love of God, family, work, whatever - Perfect - but we are always in a state of "living" and things change.  

One only needs to  remember that if you keep coming back to the good, it all works out.  Love is the most important thing.

Enough of my preaching.

Mom was fine.   We got her bills paid and discussed the Deeley family tree of Grandpa Mike's brother John.   She was able to clear up a bit but much the dates that I do have were before she and Dad were together.

Home again.   I finished clearing up from Samhain.   You see, a bag of things that I had brought to IBAM, came home with my friends, Dick and Joan.   So I had all of that to go through and put into their proper places.

Dancing with the Stars tonight.   I have missed so many, but tonight I can really be involved.   I have to really pay attention, or I miss the dances, then I feel I shouldn't vote.

I was going to sweep leaves off the deck this afternoon, but when I looked out, God sent to wind to do it for me.

Dia Dhuit


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