Thursday, August 08, 2013

I cannot believe that it is Thursday already.    I slept very soundly towards morning, though I did have trouble getting to sleep again.  

This day was set aside to do the minutes for the Condo Board and work on a new chapter for the Saints book.   I got the revised June minutes done and sent and finished my first draft of the current meeting.    I can easily finish that and get it out by the weekend.

Kate called mid morning and wondered if I would like to go out for lunch.    Why not.    We went to Antoinette's and I ordered a Margherita mini pizza.    I have been hungry for pizza for the past week so this was a good deal.    We had a good visit.  

Leslie called this morning.    We also had a good visit.   She and Bill are going to leave Louisiana so they get her on Sunday the 18th and will meet me at Irish Fest.   Bill wants to go.   Isn't that great?   I told you, I think, that she forwarded pictures of Troy and Toby for Courtney.   They are beautiful. 

Sure like pictures of my great grandkids.   Marcus's latest was him in the bathtub being Michelangelo  grinning from ear to ear.   He is so precious.

This evening I walked over to the little gathering we are doing out in the green space.   It has been a great way to meet the neighbors and nobody is obligated and all are welcome.   It was just beautiful out there tonight.  Perfect weather.    I hope it holds through the weekend and the Picnic out at St. Michaels.

Til tomorrow

Dia Dhuit


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