Thursday, May 16, 2013

It is 9PM.  I have just returned from our dress rehearsal for Springtime on Broadway at the Plymouth Arts Center which will debut tomorrow night and finish its run on Saturday.

The dress rehearsal gives me hope that it will go alright.   The music is absolutely great and we seem to pretty much have it together.

The early part of the day was spent with Jeff and Mom.   We took Mom for lab tests and for two doctor appointments.   She came through just fine.   Then we had lunch.   Mom had her Meals on Wheels and I brought tacos and beans for Jeff and I.   I also brought a dessert that is called French Pastry that will be in my cookbook.   It is so good and a comfort food for Jeff and I as Mother made it when we were young.

Kathy had sent fresh asparagus and some Kit Kat Bars.   The kind you bake not the candy.  So we were very well fed.

Anyway time for bed.

Here is a Haiku I wrote several years ago. 

Dream Catcher

I feel in my sleep
A dream flying over me
Waiting to be caught.

Dia Dhuit


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