Thursday, May 02, 2013

A very strange day.     It was supposed to be cold, in the 40s and perhaps it was, but there was no wind this morning when I left and I quickly shed my jacket.  

I had an appointment with Heather for a massage.   It was really pleasant.   She concentrated on my neck and shoulders and knees as that is where I experience the most pain.  We will see.  

Bobbie and I met at Field and Fork for lunch before going to Mead to give Dick's plaque to Mark.   They will get it hung in the new adult event room and will be arranging for an official dedication.   That is the room that I go to for Karl Elder's Poetry Corner, so I will take a picture when it is hung and post it for all to see.   Or - you can go to the Library.

I dropped the quilt that I have been mending off at Mother's on the way home.   She was so glad to see it as we are, despite the late cold getting on to summer and she uses this quilt in the summer, you know.    She doesn't like her routines messed with.

On the way home it started to rain and it poured for quite some time.    As a matter of fact we had a pretty impressive thunder storm.   Roxie was not pleased.

Bobbie has finished editing my cookbook and gave me the corrected hard copies so that I can update them on the computer and get them submitted.   

I have an interesting little story about a recipe that I have included in the cookbook.   I think that MOST of you know that there are two family chilies and also two family potato salads that Dick and I would use.   One his and one mine.   We liked one as much as the other so sometimes Dick would make his chili and sometimes I would make mine and I made whichever potato salad I was in the mood for. 

Bobbie is editing my book and asked why I don't have onion in my Kunert Potato Salad.    I told her that I got the recipe from Leslie and didn't recall onions.    So.  Bobbie checked with Leslie who said she always puts onions in hers and was sure she had put it on the recipe card.    I was puzzled as I couldn't figure out how I would have been wrong for 25 years or so.  So.  I looked and there are no onions on my recipe card.   So.  I called Leslie and asked her why she was "holding out on me."   We both had a good laugh about that and are trying to figure out how I got it past her Dad for 25 years.   I guess I was just good about cutting the potatoes really small.

So that's the story.

Dia Dhuit


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