Monday, April 29, 2013

A typical Monday made busier now because of the two hour practice at 6:30PM for the concert at Plymouth Art Center on May 16 - 17.   By the way, it is called Springtime on Broadway and features lots of really good music.   I am glad that we have three more practices.    I am not all that confident yet.

This morning there were 7 of us at Bible Study.     We had a lively discussion on Psalm 116 about why death is feared and how much trust and faith can help when someone close leaves us.  We do help each other out a lot.    I have them praying for everybody who needs it.

Then to Mother's.  We got her bills paid and had plenty of time to visit.   I told her some of the events of the weekend.   I showed her my new fox ring carved out of Amazonite and about the play.

This afternoon I worked on sorting things out for the rest of the week and paying some bills of my own.

So.   Tomorrow I will have a busy morning, but then will be able to stay home until  Thursday.   Yee Ha.

Dia Dhuit


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