Monday, December 03, 2012

We got up at 6AM this morning.   Dick was restless and ready and I really had a lot I wanted to get done before I went to Bible Study.   So it worked out OK.

I got most of my calls made and Dick all ready for the day before Bobbie came.   Then I stopped for gas on my way to Bible Study.  We had a good group and talked a lot about music being such a wonderful gift and path to God.

Mom was tired but pretty good.   We got all her bills paid and the pills put out for the week and had a bit of a visit.   Then I hurried home as Dick called and needed me.   Ron from the VNA was here and took the blood test for the cumadin level.   He was perfect.   2.2.   Ron will be back on Thursday to take it again.  Just because of the antibiotic.   Saturday we will be checking the urine again to be sure that the infection is all gone.

Bobbie, Dick and I had lunch together.  Then Bobbie had to go home and Dick and I rested a bit.   Actually Dick slept until 4PM and I had to wake him then.

The rest of the day has been quite.   We had steak fajitas for supper.   Dick liked that.    His appetite is none to good but we shared one and he hate his half.

Now it is time to shut down.   Tomorrow I will be going to the Kettle Quilters Christmas party.   Embrace will be here at 12:30 so that I can go.   Also, Nancy, our favorite nurse from VNA, is coming at 1PM to start taking care of Dick.    This should be the only time they overlap.   But the Embrace people do so many other things for me and I have several projects that can be done.   Also if Nancy needs help they will be here.

So that was my day.   I am hoping that Dick goes to bed early so that I can too.    Pain pills and rest might make my arm stop throbbing.

Dia Dhuit


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