Tuesday, June 12, 2012

It is always nice to have a whole day at home.   And it was so lovely outside that I left the doors open for most of the afternoon. 

I didn't even take a shower today.   Just got dressed, brushed my teeth, and washed my face and we were on our way.   Today was trash day.   I had four bags plus cardboard so it took a bit to get everything out there.

I also have a couple of boxes ready to drop off at St. Vinnie's tomorrow.    Every little bit helps to get things cleaned out and more efficient around here.

The grounds people were busy putting fill dirt around the houses and under air conditioners and all.   The boss remembered that I had asked him to check out the gutters so they did that too.    They are so nice.   I had baked cookies this afternoon, so as they were finishing up, I took a bunch out to them.    I will have to do that more often.   They work hard and have been so very good about doing any cleanup that I have asked of them.
And they are always pleasant to me.

We had pasties for supper.   I think this could be something to share with Leslie and everybody when they come next month.

Saturday is Bloomsday already.   I need to get my research done on that - tomorrow I think.

Friday evening, I am going to Van Horn Dodge to look at some Grand Caravans and get costs and everything else involved.   Then the man I am working with will bring one over for Dick to see and we can go through things with him.

So a busy day but all at home and most of it mental, not physical.    I loved it.    Vicky and Kim from Embrace are here to put Dick to bed for me and I will be on a conference call from 8PM to 9PM.  

A nice way to end the day.

Tomorrow is shopping day.  Dick has requested a pot roast so I am putting one into the slow cooker tomorrow morning and it will be ready for supper.


I think of summers
Playing on the gravel road
When we were so young.

Dia Dhuit


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