Tuesday, April 20, 2010

It was a stay at home day. Chelsea got me up at 1AM and then again at 5:30AM. So at 5:30 I fed the critters and went back to bed until after 7 when I finally REALLY was ready to get up. Except for the breaks in my sleep it was a nice way to start the day.

Chelsea and I had a really nice walk in the cold crisp air this morning. She was a perky girl with he tail over her back. But she did not eat her breakfast which really worries me. I tempted her with two kinds of dog food but she would not eat. So I just left it down in case she changed her mind.

I had a nice busy morning. I cleaned out the refrigerator and freezer getting rid of things that were too old and that I decided I will never use anyway. Then we had roast pork tenderloin and gravy on bread with frozen corn and a nice tossed salad for lunch.

I took a short nap after dinner, then switched the floor mats in the car to the summer mats. That involved vacuuming the car and washing off the winter mats. So I had to go downstairs and turn on the outside water. It was time anyway and I was able to water the back gardens which will fill up the bird bath too.

After Dick woke up from his nap we got him all washed and changed so now my evening is my own. We had a cup of dump soup and a slice of garlic pizza bread for our supper.

I forgot to tell you that Fr. Mike Shea sent me some Sarnelli House t-shirts. They arrived yesterday and I am so excited. I will definitely take one to Mother. She is as easy to please as I am.

Tomorrow night Dick and I are going out on a dinner date to Sweet Basil. We like that restaurant. It is easy to get to, to get in to and they treat us REALLY well.
It is time we have a date. It has been a while with Easter and everything that has been going on.

Til tomorrow I will be praying for you.


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