Saturday, May 30, 2009

You must be sick of hearing about Chelsea, but she is the start of every day and last night she woke me up at the ungodly hour of 1AM. I figured it was an anomaly so I left the door open. Big mistake. She was back within the hour. So I took her out again and then did shut her out. I was able to go back to sleep and got up at 6AM.

The usual morning routine. We had a truly nice walk. It was warm and a bit breezy. We ran into a couple of the neighbors and they raved over how pretty she looks with her new haircut. Rick also said that he thinks it makes her look younger.

At nine I drove over to the Plymouth Armory to pick up my SHARE. It was raining then. It had pretty much stopped by the time I got there. I picked up Kate's SHARE also as she and Ron are in South Dakota at their daughter, Dawnlee's wedding. I managed to get it all in freezer/refrigerator spots as needed so it will be fresh and safe when Kate gets home.

Home again, I did some food prep. A fruit salad. a lettuce salad, a pie crust. After lunch, I took a nice nap. It helped but I am still very tired.

I went to Mass at 4PM. It is Pentecost Sunday already. The church was all decorated in red to symbolize the Spirit. Fr. Van Beeck spoke about the importance of this feast day. The Spirit was not hyped too much years ago and we even referred to the Holy Spirit as the Holy Ghost. Remember the silly before dinner blessing? Father, Son and Holy Ghost. He who eats the fastest gets the most.

But this is the day that commemorates the Holy Spirit coming to the Apostles and they came out of their hiding places and converted, they say, 5000 to Christianity in that one day. Wow. Now that is SPIRIT.

Anyway, as I was leaving I saw Aunt Kathleen and Uncle Bob also leaving church. They came here because they are going to the cottage that they own at Elkhart Lake and wanted to go to an earlier Mass and get HOME to rest for the weekend. We had a nice visit.

I also ran into my cousin Harold Ziegler and was able to tell him that I saw the article about him in the Plymouth Review. He has been in barbershop for 50 years and won an award this year. There is still a small chorus in Plymouth and he belongs to a bigger one in Milwaukee. They will be singing at the Weill Center on June 14th, I will have to see if I can possibly go.

This evening has been very quiet Dick has already gone to bed. I will stay up til shortly after nine so that I can take the girl out and then hit the bed myself.

Tomorrow I am going to the church at 1PM to wish Fr. Van Beeck a happy 40th year of ordination. Somebody from the church called and asked if I was coming, so I thought I would. Actually, I am not sure if Father knows who I am though we have been introduced several times.

So that is all for tonight. I hope your Sunday is special.


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