Saturday, February 07, 2009

The passing of the cup from Randy to Kathy 2009

It was a great day today. First, we woke up to temperatures ABOVE FREEZING. Dick managed to sleep a little late, so I prepared the roast for the Wild Game Dinner and vacuumed the living room while waiting for him to wake up. AND Chelsea and I went for the longest walk that we have attempted in many weeks. She was a happy camper. She kept barking and running around. Rick, one of our neighbors, was really tickled by her excitement. Boy is she dirty though. Next week, even if it is icky, she will have to be bathed.

Today was bath day for Dick. That is quite a production you know. But I am sure that he feels better once he is all scrubbed. After that he lay on the bed on his stomach and did some exercises that help stretch those muscles that have been sitting, literally, for months.

I gave him soup and half a sandwich for lunch. Jim and Michelle arrived at about 12:30PM. That way they were able to visit with Dick before we left for Randy and Donna's house. Dick had lost the sound on his computer and Jim found it for him again. Another good reason for a visit.

We got to Randy and Donna's at about 1:45PM. People were pulling in. After a few delays, the annual Beer Tasting Contest began. We were really high class this year. Shane and Georgine had brought a mick and amplifier so we could make announcements without shouting. A good thing as there were 22 participants in the contest and they had to try to identify 24 different beers. We serving wenches and bus boys were really kept hopping. Michelle, Bing and I were the servers. Jim did the glass washing and Evan, Kurt and Jodi's middle boy, was the bus boy. He begged to help. (sometimes he gets tips)
We were really kept hopping.

Then when all the imbibing was done - the scoring followed. Michelle and I did that with Jim as a backup. Michelle and I each checked each sheet. That way they were checked twice. If we did not agree, then Jim double checked US. There were some pretty big scores this year several 7s and three 8s. BUT when all the dust settled, Kathy Deeley, my brother Jeff's wife, (All you Deeley's, not everybody who reads this knows the family) won. She had a very respectable 9 right. Kathy has been trying to win almost since the beginning. 33 or 34 years. Everybody was just thrilled for her.

We had some fun first. Michelle announced the winner BUT we toyed with them for a bit. She announced that two people had tied at 8 right and that the two people were Jessica and Donna. This IS true but THEN Michelle said. "However, someone else won with a score of 9 and it is Kathy." Jessica and Donna were way to excited for Kathy to care that they did not win.

Then we ate. Jim, Michelle and I left just about 6PM right after an absolutely wonderful meal. We had grilled venison steaks, venison roast, venison chili, pheasant Mexican casserole, squirrel and rabbit emanadas, squirrel and rabbit barbecued, beans, Eileen's famous potatoes, salads. For dessert we had carrot cake, banana bread and Rice Krispie bars with chocolate on them.

I brought Dick a nice portion for his supper too. He was glad to have me home. Bobbie came and spent part of the afternoon with him so I did not have to worry too much.

Now I am ready to let sleep take me away.

How about the picture at the top. The passing of the cup from Randy to Kathy. Isn't it great. Quite a cup. There are 33 names of winners engraved on the cup and two pedestals that have been added as the years have gone by. A second generations names have appeared on it and in not too many years a third generation will be there, we hope. This is a family tradition that endures and means so much to all of us.

I will send a picture of the serving wenches today too. Maybe some other pictures tomorrow. We sure had fun.

All my love

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1 comment:

Matius Djoko Mulyono said...

visiting you ol