Monday, February 02, 2009

I had my Monday morning. Kind of.

Chelsea let me sleep until almost 6AM. Then I fed the critters, walked Chelsea, helped Dick take his bath, changed the dressing on his foot and we had breakfast.

I left a bit before 9AM so I could stop at Walgreens and pick up Mom's prescription. She is always amazed that I get that to her just before she runs out. That auto refill program they have is amazing. They have a computer call me when it is ready.

I went to bible study. There were 6 of us there. A nice group of people and a nice group of three readings. I especially liked the Gospel. It was Mark's story of the visit Jesus made to Simon Peter's house when he healed Peter's mother in law. I like that because it DOES say that though the apostles left their jobs and way of life to follow Jesus. It appears that their families were also followers or at least cheering them on. After all, the mother in law rose after her healing and fed everybody. Sounds like a nice nurturing lady.

Then Jesus took time to slip away and renew his spirit. It is suggested that we all do this. A time in each day for a few minutes with God. I like my morning walks with Chelsea.

After the study, I went over to see Mom. She is fine and was so glad that Jeff came on Saturday and took her to Mass. She has been SO stir crazy. As nice as it is, she will be able to go to the Senior Meals tomorrow too.

Got home in time to feed Dick his lunch and get him over to therapy at 1:00PM. I took the cookies up to the staff upstairs at the Care Center. Those I saw all asked about their "Ernie". Lori, Dick and I talked about the problems that have come up. She was quite impressed with our innovative way of getting Dick up off the floor and back on the bed. I now know that, above all, we need to get that prosthesis on every day. She gave some suggestions for getting it on more easily which we will try tomorrow.

Home again. Bobbie and Bill were here. They had actually pulled up just as we were leaving for therapy and Bill installed the threshold ramp for us. It is really nice and makes the move, over the threshold much easier. Bobbie is going to come on Thursday to help us get to therapy as we have a doctor appointment in the morning and I will be that much more tired. I am sure glad she is around and that she is retired. Everybody is so much help.

Then I took Chelsea out to do her business and would you believe there were worms in her stool. Wouldn't you know. I called the Vet and took the sample in for testing. She has tapeworms. Probably from eating rabbit poop. I do try to jerk her away when she starts grazing on the walks but sometimes she is faster than I am. Anyway one quick dose of medicine and it will all be taken care of.

We had leftovers for supper.

Then I had to go to Rhine Plymouth for the monthly meeting. That went quite quickly and I was home by about 8:15Pm. Now it is settle down time and get to bed for the night. Tomorrow will be comparatively quiet. We have therapy at 1PM but the rest of the day is ours and we will be HOME. YIPPEE! Critters will like that too.

It is February already. We will have 40 degrees on the weekend. Bret is laughing at our heat wave. They are experiencing 80 degrees there. But we are content. Perhaps out snow mountains will recede some with all that heat.



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