Saturday, May 31, 2008

It was a warm and windy day today. Chelsea and I had a lovely walk this morning. We were the only walkers out there, though we did see one of our neighbors working in her gardens.

I did a bit of gardening myself. I had decided to make a hummingbird planter. I needed a fuchsia, begonias and a sweet potato vine. So, since I had to go and pick up a couple of prescriptions for Dick later this morning, so I swung by Moraine Gardens and picked up the plants I needed and a large planter.

This afternoon, I planted the Hummingbird Planter and a couple of herb plants, then watered everything thoroughly since it was windy all day and dried everything out.

I talked to Barbara today. She is home from Florida and said that her critters were very glad to see her and that one of her kitties crawled into her arms to sleep last night. I sure miss my kitties. I wonder if Oscar will have anything to do with me if I ever get him home. Roxie seems to be more social, but I am sure she will miss Bobbie if I ever get her home.

I remember our Waylon. Cat food commercials reminded me of him today. He liked to eat only dry food. Though he did change from Purina to Science Diet, he did not like anything new. If we tried to give him canned food or treats, he would just cry. We always said that he must have thought we were trying to kill him.

Aside from my little shopping excursions, we stayed home today. Except for doctoring, I can't see Dick going anywhere anyhow. It is hard enough for us to get him from one room to another

Tomorrow is another quiet day. I think I will bake some bread. If it is as warm as it was today, I will bake it downstairs. It is sure nice to have that extra oven.



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