Friday, May 04, 2007

Well, I went out to the field at 5AM again this morning. I still have not harvested a turkey, BUT did see four of them today. It was sunny but a bit breezy and none too warm. Uncle Kenny was there and we stayed until 10AM. Ken had a meeting at work at 1PM so couldn't stay the day. I told him that five hours is really quite long enough as far as I was concerned.

I started the day facing the field in back of me, looking for the big Tomzilla that I saw on Wednesday. As day broke, I noticed a decoy directly across from me and decided that perhaps I had better turn back to my primary field. Two people aiming at the same bird would not be a wise thing.

Later I saw a bird WAY down field towards 57, way out of range, who was soon joined by a nother much bigger bird that I could see was a Tom. It is always easy to determine if they are a Tom or hen if you see them together. All of them were way out of range, but at least I saw some.

I am done for the year. Tomorrow will be just too busy with the birthday and all and I don't want to get up at 4AM again so soon anyway.

I had lunch at Dairy Queen with the gals from the bank. Mary Schroeder was there this week. She is busy and doesn't always come so it is good to see her. I brought a cheeseburger home for Dick's lunch. He liked that, which made me feel good as he is so hard to feed these days.

Tonight I went and shot my last three targets for pistol league. I was still pretty bad but am starting to settle in again. Perhaps by next fall when we start again, I will have my groove back.

Tomorrow we will be celebrating Dick's birthday at the Villager in Sheboygan Falls. Dick and Brenda will spend the night and tomorrow I am going to bake a Grandma Pekarski Cake. It is a recipe I got from Auntie Helen that is a family recipe and a really nice coffee cake. We will have that and omelets in a bag, (something new and fun) for breakfast in the morning. Anyone else who wants to come and try them just let me know and I'll tell you what time to come.



Anonymous said...

Hi Mary. The omelets in a bag are really fun. We do them when Hope is here. It's also great when in a hurry. Just put the bag in the boiling water and move on to other things. Easy cleanup, too. The stove doesn't get all messed up as it does when doing omelets in a pan. Have fun. Tell Dick Happy Birthday. It is Kaytlyns birthday today (Saturday), too. She is 5 today. How time flies!

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