Thursday, May 03, 2007

I hope somebody missed me yesterday. I realized this afternoon that I had forgotten to post!

Yesterday, was EXCEEDINGLY busy.

I got up at 4:15AM in order to be able to meet Kenny and Randy out at J and 57 to go turkey hunting. We were not successful yesterday. BUT I did see Tomzilla. Across the field in back of me, up against a small woods, I saw a huge Tom strutting his stuff. I tried to call him, but he just fanned his tail at me and went back into the woods. I suppose he figured that he had enough fancy hens over there and didn't need to look any further. The rest of the day produced only hens. I had to leave at about noon. It was getting pretty chilly anyway as it got windy and cloudy.

When I got home, I fixed lunch, took a shower and helped Dick get ready for his doctor visit at 3:45PM. We found out that his foot is probably not infected. The fact that the seepage he is are getting is a clear fluid is indicative of that. He took a culture and told us to proceed as we have. He did give me a couple of tips as to how to keep it fairly clear. Then we stopped at Walgreens to restock on first aid supplies. BOY are we ever going through them.

I fixed dinner and cleaned up the kitchen and then was exhausted and was in bed by 8:30PM. I did call Bret and had a nice visit with him.

Today, Dick got his finger prick test. His count is a bit low but they decided to keep his dosage the same because he is no longer taking antibiotics and it probably will level off. We have to go back in two weeks. Then we shopped and went to the bank. After lunch I went out to the hunting fields again. Randy and Kenny had gone out early again. I got there at about 12:30PM. It was really beautiful out there though a bit windy. At first I saw nothing, then a hen showed up grazing it's way across the field and back. At about 2:30PM I heard two shots, then I saw two birds flying past me, at least one looked like a Jake, so I shot at it. I missed, darn, but I am not too good at moving targets and felt good that I at least got a shot. The two shots were Randy and he got a nice 18 lb Jake. They were ready to leave then and I was not unhappy about that. Two to five hours is more than enough for me.

Kenny and I will be out there again at 5AM. He has to leave at about 10AM which is fine with me. I won't stay out alone and as I said that is long enough anyway.

I am going to post myself facing the spot that I saw that big Tom for the first hour or so. Perhaps he will show himself and I can lure him over a little closer.

Now you know why you didn't hear from me yesterday. As I said, I hope somebody missed me.

Bret and I were remembering when he and Bart were little and the fun things that we did together. I remembered one jeep run when we let the boys take their bicycles. Someone said to look up on the top of a big hill will a narrow path down it that was just above our camp. There was Bret with his bicycle just getting ready to start down the hill. I couldn't look. He made it though and this was one of the beginnings of his love of hill climbing.

When he was about five or six years old we went, as usual, out to the Yuma Dunes for New Years. He asked his Dad if he could drive the jeep, so his Dad took the jeep and Bret out about 100 yards from the camp and told him that he could drive in a circle around the camp. Bret was in that jeep every minute it was light that we were not out on a run. I swear that he ran out a tank of gas. He couldn't go very fast because he couldn't reach the peddles and therefore couldn't shift, so he had to stay in first gear. Every once in a while I would see him looking toward camp and then he would turn the jeep towards a little rise in the terrain (a hill) and "climb" it. He was a car person from the time he was able to walk and talk. When he took driver's ed in high school, the instructor had him drive once, then asked him if he minded letting the other students drive during class because they needed it and he didn't.

Have a nice Friday.



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