Monday, May 21, 2007

I had a very special birthday today. Dick took me out for breakfast, lunch AND dinner, so I did not have lift a finger for any housework today.

We got up at 6 and I took Chelsea for a nice long walk. We found it a bit cool, but Chelsea likes cool weather A LOT. Then went to the Shoppes on Mill Street for breakfast. Next was Bible Study. It was cold as blazes in the rectory. They turn off the boiler on May 1st and it does not help when the days are so cold now. But we had a good study and they sang Happy Birthday to me.

I stopped at Mom's. She looks great and was hosting her Canasta group this afternoon. That is the slow one so by the time they got done, she figured that someone would suggest that they go out for an evening meal. I hope she is not to tired to go. She went to church on Sunday too.

When I got home, Dick and I went over to the Exchange Bank for lunch. Good sandwiches. I got egg salad and Dick got a BLT wrap. We cut and shared.

Next was the Plymouth writers club meeting. Sy Regan has his 2nd book in print. It is a pocket book of psalms. He did a cinquan for each of the 159 psalms for an easy reading "Book of Days". I told them about the workshop with Ellen. She had so many tips such as "spilling". Spilling is taking a word or looking at a picture or using a phrase and just writing without thinking for a set period of time. You get lots of ideas on the paper if you just can forget form or order or how it looks. Then you read it over and pull out what can be built on or rearrange to form something. We did that several times and it was a fun exercise. If did a list of her suggestions for the club. I did not bring enough copies so I will bring more next time.

Ellen also makes little books and prints her poems in them for gifts. She showed us several ways that she does this.

Another haiku

Teeny Gothic city
Perhaps a home for gnomes
My doggy would know.

(Chelsea senses little people, you know. That is why Mother and I figured that she would not go into Mother's kitchen for a long time. We have decided that the little people must have left or else, Chelsea just decided that they aren't as scary as she thought at first, because she goes into the kitchen now.)

Tonight Dick and I went to Dee O'Malley's for dinner. We have leftovers from four meals in the refrigerator. I will not have to cook for at least two more days.

Aside from all my meals out I received lots of both e mail and paper greetings from people that I love and I am so happy love me. Bart called this evening and Aunt Kathleen called this morning. I also received a beautiful vase full of flowers from Dick and Brenda. It is convenient that Mother's Day is just a week before my birthday. The birthday flowers are just about done and now there are new beautiful blooms on the counter. I received a present from my sister-in-law Jacquie too. She sent two pair of PJs. So WOW. Was it a great day or what!!!!

All my love. Talk to you tomorrow


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