Sunday, October 15, 2006

This day was beautiful. The sun shone and the temperatures were well into the 60s. I pulled the plants out of the hanging pots today so we can dispose of them this week sometime. I only need three for the front of the house next spring. I will try to keep the ivy alive through the winter in two of them.

I went to church in Plymouth today. It is a long story which I won't get in to. I am actually goint to transfer to St. John's in early November. Probably the week after turkey dinner which will take place on November 5th. Until then I will most likely just go back to attending Mass at Blessed Trinity. Tomorrow is the Bible Study which I intend to continue attending, because it will be a good chance to visit with Mother and see if she has anything for me to do for her.

Sure enjoyed the conference but all the relaxation that I achieved has been killed.

Friday was SO cold with the wind and the dampness in the air. Then to top it off the heat in the Irish Center was not working and we, as one of the speakers said, had a wonderful opportunity to develop character. Then, in the late afternoon, during the break between presentations, I ran into Dan Virks in the hallway. He is the coordinator of the Song Circle in one of the beer tents at Irish Fest. I have joined them for two years now and really have a fun time. There is a core group. Then anyone who wants can join the circle. We go round robin with each person in the circle choosing and singing a song. Every body can join in or not as they choose. Anyway, we visited for a bit and I asked if he was there for the program but he said he was here to fix the furnace. Thank Heavens. It was MUCH better the rest of the conference.

I might have mentioned that Beth Vaughan, a storyteller from Maryland, who, as Biddy O'Byrne entertained us at the previous conferences, died this summer. Susan Yaruta-Young wrote of her:

"Once upon a time
In a place called Your Heart
There lived a woman who you dearly loved
Whose name was Beth Vaughan "

I have a tape of her telling stories if you ever want to hear it.

The tradition of storytelling will be continued. This year a regular attendee and Wisconsin storyteller called Jean-Andrew entertained us with a marvelous Welsh folk tale with giants and magic swords and foxes. She will be coming to Mead Library next month. I will ask Bobbie to let me know when so that I can go to see her and visit.

The wedding is fast approaching. I got approval from Michelle for my dress. They have decided to have it all at their house to avoid confusion of where everything is. They do not really ask for anything or tell us much. I hope that they will ask for help if they need it. It seems that things are tense and now that my life is falling back into order (Bart is a bit better. At least he is not talking a mile a minute any more. Dick's legs are getting better too and he is even sleeping IN bed part of the night and not suffering too much pain when he gets up.) It is a relief also that Bill is really doing well and that Jim is working. I understand that it is wearing as all new jobs are, but that he likes it. Except for Dick's doctor appointments I am keeping the week open so if they need anything I will be available.

Dick and Brenda were in town today and they all took their Mother out for a birthday brunch this morning. They stopped for just a few minutes on their way to La Crosse for a funeral and got their first view of the house. While we were downstairs, Chelsea walked into one of the downstairs bedroom closets and, would you believe, I shut her in. I went downstairs about an hour later and heard this little whimper from the bedroom. Poor Baby, didn't want to follow me downstairs for quite a while.

Have a good week.


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