Thursday, September 28, 2006

This has been a NICE day. We stayed home the whole day, which was wonderful. I got a couple more boxes unloaded AND finished my report for the Celtic Faire committee. As it turns out, I will not be able to attend the meeting because it is the same night as Rhine Plymouth and I am NOT going to try to attend two meetings anymore.

I can finish the last details and give the folders to Lynn who will be attending the meeting, I am sure. They can call if they have any questions.

I was thinking today of the boys when they were little. They were like night and day. Bret easy going and goofy. Bart intense and serious.

One time we were talking and Bart, who was all of three at the time, told me that he knew something because he read it in a book. When I mentioned that he couldn't read, he looked a little surprised and said. "Oh Ya." and just went on with the discussion. He really was a lot of fun because he had so many questions and was always on the go.

Bret slept through the night by the time he was three months old. I don't know if Bart does yet. I understand that he has sleep apnea so perhaps he is. I keep forgetting to ask him how the machine works for him.

Dick's back is a bit better today. He still has trouble sleeping in bed, mainly getting up or turning over.

We got a few more things on the walls today too. Dinner was easy. Leftover venison and guiness and colcannon.

Tomorrow I lunch with the girls and have to work at Rhine. Hope you have a good day.

There is an Irish Superstition that says "Every day has one hour in which a wish may be granted and in which a person has the power to see spirits. Only by trial and error can that period be known."

Let's try together.


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