Thursday, January 05, 2006

What a busy day Dick and I had today. We started off with breakfast at Zana's, then proceeded to see Sue, who checks Dick's blood. He was within the perameters again, but right on the bottom rung so she wants to see him in two weeks instead of the usual four. We left her and got a cup of coffee from the Coffeology Cafe at the Clinic. Next we proceeded to Dr. Phelan's office and Dick had the compression bandages removed. The swelling was DRAMATICALLY reduced and we feel so relieved. Dr. Phelan's office got us an immediate appointment with Dr. Coulas, the podiatrist, who removed the callous with the blister from his left foot and another blister that was bothersome from the right foot. We have to go back to see him in two weeks also to have these checked. Then we went to Fessler's Drug Store on Superior to get Dick fitted for compression stockings to help keep the swelling from reoccurring. WHEW!!!

That seems like quite enough, doesn't it? But we went home after that, had lunch, then went grocery shopping. We really HAD to because we were out of milk and a few other things that I needed.

We kind of flip flopped our meals. I fixed a hamburger, spinach and cottage cheese for lunch and then we had soup and crackers for supper.

While I was at the podiatrist's office, I found a recipe for "Killer Chile". It calls for cubed beef, beer and jalapenos. I want to try it with venison. If it is good, I will share.

"Women will only be equal to men when.....they can walk down the
street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy."

Tomorrow, I am going to Plymouth for lunch, the bank and to pay The Sewing Basket for two classes that I will be taking next month.

Tomorrow is Friday ALREADY.

Have a good one. It is starting to get cold again.



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