Friday, January 06, 2006

We got our call from Leslie tonight. It was good hearing her voice and we had a nice long talk. The girls were out (it is Friday night after all) but they are both doing pretty well. Sara is working and has been there a while now. Nora has a job also but is a Senior in High School AND has a boyfriend so she is probably really stretched.

I had lunch with the Plymouth People today. Since we are still doing the Richard Simmons Blast Off week, I had a chicken breast salad and fixed a chef's salad for Dick. I cleanced the kitchen floor this morning too. So it was a busy day. I have been catching up on computer emails this afternoon.

We had turkey burgers, cabbage, noodles and salad for supper. Tomorrow I am thinking of spaghetti.

One year when Bret was just a baby, probably 9 months old, I brought him to Wisconsin to introduce him to the family. I remember one day that Mother and I went shopping and left him sleeping with my brother, Jeff and my sister Dolores babysitting. While we were gone, he woke up and needed changing. Neither Jeff nor Dolores were very adept at changing a baby. So - they removed the old diaper. Then Jeff held him up in the air and Dolores arranged and pinned the new diaper on him. Mother and I were in a "roll the eyes" mode when they told us that one. Bret giggled every time he saw them after that. I think he thought it was a fun game.

Have a nice weekend.


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