Friday, August 26, 2005

A beautiful day. Not too hot, not too cool. Chelsea woke me up at 5:30AM. A little surprising. I tried to ignore her and go back to sleep but she persisted so I had to get up. This meant that I was very tired around two o'clock so I took a nap.

We found out that Loren and Mary Sperry are going to be in Sheboygan tomorrow, so Dick called Loren. Mary Sperry introduced Dick and me 20 some years ago. She and I worked at United Savings and Loan, now M&I Bank. I was a single mom at the time and mentioned that it would be nice to have someone just to go to the work parties and things like that so I wouldn't be alone. It was getting close to Christmas. She mentioned that her husband had a friend who was also single and offered to introduce us. She was a nervious wreck for years and swore she would NEVER again set anyone up because it was just too much responsibility. Dick said that when they come we should tell them that things just aren't working out and that we only stayed together for these 19 years for their sake. Isn't he silly?

Anyway, they are coming over tomorrow afternoon about 4:30 for and hour or so. We would have liked to have them over for dinner, but they are expected at her sister's so we will just have a visit. It will be good to see them. I think it has been 8 to 10 years.

I have been writing lyrics for the Celtic Mass for a song we want to sing at the Communion. I (the worrier) ended up writing three sets because I couldn't quite decide which theme would be best. This is the one my Choir Director felt fits the best.


Maker, Father, Creator of life
When we follow the road you have shown
It will lead to the end of all strife
Where we’ll dwell in your glory as home
Jesus, Brother, the Message of love,
You walked among us and died as we must.
Lead us safely to heaven above
And be ever the one we can trust

Spirit, teacher, who makes all so clear
Imbue in us love, faith and peace
Be our courage in conflict and fear
Be our wisdom in this troubled place.
Blessed Trinity- three yet one God
Leaves of shamrock remind us of you
Circle us with the shield of your love
And send us out to witness for you

Have a nice weekend. Except for the visit, it will be quiet around here.



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