Friday, June 03, 2005

WHAT A DAY! The Plymouth ladies were all unable to come to lunch so I had to redo my plans. I ended up going to the bank in Sheboygan Falls and picking up some pins I needed at Evans. Then I went to church for the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and dropped some information off to Lynn in the church office.

I stopped at Mom's for a few minutes. Randy had brought over a big box of cook books that Dolores brought to their house. Donna and her girls took what they wanted and they are spreading them around. We aren't sure why Dolores sent them down. Has she stopped cooking? Maybe so. Did she decide to REALLY clean house? Such a puzzle. I brought home a Frugel Gormet cookbook and will go through the Taste of Home but lord knows I have anough cookbooks myself.

I trimmed half of the corner bushes around the birdbath. It is supposed to rain for the next three days. I hope it starts late enough tomorrow so that I can finish the bush.

We had lasagna for dinner. I am using up things in the freezer. The sauce I made up without meat worked well for this too. I sliced mushrooms and meatballs along with three kind of cheese, the sauce and the lasagna pasta. Yum Yum. We had chocolate cake too. If you come Sunday I have plenty left for everybody. (If you ALL came I would add stuff til there was enough. One of my curses. I love to feed people.)

Tomorrow is the graduation party for Jessica. That will be fun. At least for me. I hope that it does not rain before late in the evening. I sure would make it difficult for Randy and Donna. She actually graduates on the 11th but she leaves for Germany on the 12th. So this is quite a whirlwind time for that girl. Boy, the kids now days sure have wonderful opportunities.



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