Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Dick and I are watching Dancing with the Stars again. Two dancers have been eliminated. We are really enjoying it. There are two more weeks after this one as they elimate ONE couple each week. This week they will dance two dances. A Samba and a Waltz. I find myself getting really irritated with the judges. They are very nasty with their comments - at least the old crotchety one. I liked Evander Holyfield myself.

It was very pleasant today - the temps were in the mid 70s. I sat out on the deck for a while this evening and read. The rest of the week is supposed to get HOT HOT HOT. Up into the 90s by the weekend.

I talked to Barb and Bart is feeling a bit better thought he is still struggling and needs prayer. He will be seen in Oklahoma City on July 12 and Barb said they are taking more blood tests so perhaps they are finding some odd levels. She feels that perhaps because he is exercising more he needs to have his meds adjusted but the doctor in Lawton won't listen to them about ANYthing.

We filtered the White Zinfandal today and will do another filter tomorrow. Then we can bottle it. We will be done just in time to start racking and filtering the Gewertziminer. Got to build up the stock. We like to have it for gifts. I have been harvesting rhubarb and hope to have enougth from my plants for both wine and desserts. But - I will probably have to get some from Bobbie or Donna. My plant just isn't quite big enough for everything I want to do with it.

We got the car washed today and went to Menards. Tomorrow morning we are getting the Alantra serviced AND Dick has to go back to the dentist to get a little burr on his new caps smoothed out. Busy Busy.

Thank God that the little Boy Scout in Utah was found safe and sound. I loved his mother Jody's statement. "People say that the heavens are closed and God no longer answers prayers. We are here to unequivocally tell you that the heavens are not closed, prayers are answered and children do dome home."



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