Friday, March 11, 2005

Winter is back. Twice today and even as I write, snow is coming down in force. We are only supposed to get an inch or two but it seems like more to me. At least everything will be white and pretty for a day or two. The flakes are huge and really pretty but I would trade them for spring.

Tomorrow, I am going to a day of sewing at the quilt guild. We are doing a star for sure. This is a postponed date, postponed from a really bad storm day. I am looking forward to it. My friend, Mary Bainbridge, will be there for most of it too. We will probably go to lunch together.

I should pin together the second At Risk Baby quilt too. Maybe Sunday.

Dick wants a dinner tomorrow that will allow him to have ice cream for dessert. I think a chicken breast with veggies and salad would allow that.

We racked a five gallon jug of Chablis today. Now it just has to rest and then be filtered and bottled. The Chokecherry is ready to rack again too. I was running short of bottles, but the stock is building up again. I know that Mother has some and Bobbie has one and I am sure that when Brenda and Dick come again, they will bring some.

I finished my last two targets for pistol league tonight. Not too bad. I went before supper and had Dick put in the Spinach Casserole while I was gone. Frank and Diane Hvisdak were there and I got to visit for a bit. Haven't seen Diane for a while. They are so nice. I bought my 12 gauge from Frank. He has a dealer's license and is an authorized teacher.

Just one week until St. Patrick's Day and two weeks until Easter. It is odd to have St. Patrick's so close to Easter which is very early this year.

Betty White said "My mother always used to say, 'The older you get, the better you get. Unless you're a banana.'"

Of Course, old bananas make great cakes and banana bread. Waste not want not as the old adage says.

Have a nice Weekend.

Til Tomorrow


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